Lewis Major Projects
Double Bill: Satori and Unfolding
Dance from Australia
We are sorry but due to illness and family bereavement amongst the cast, this performance of Double Bill:Satori and Unfolding has been cancelled. We will be in touch with ticket holders directly.
Unfolding is "a perfect fusion of design, light and movement". Using 3D projection to light the performers and the space, the work evolves through a fluidly shifting atmosphere and stage architecture to reveal the poetic possibilities of universal rhythms and cycles in relation to the human form.
In contrast, Satori envisions a revolving universe of impermanence and shifting atmospheres amongst different patterns of sound, light, and movement.
Lewis Major Projects was created in 2015. Originally based in Lyon, France, the company relocated its base to Australia.
Lewis Major Projects exists to deliver exceptional creative experiences for audiences in their home in Australia, and around the world.