Play to the Crowd
Mother Goose
A traditional family panto
Written by James Barry and Robin Belfield
Music by Simon Slater
Directed by Robin Belfield
We're EGGcited to announce that our next pantomime will be Mother Goose, the first time this famous, traditional pantomime has ever been produced at our theatre!
So come and have a GANDER at what promises to be an EGGtraordinary show, full of hilarious gags, original songs and loads of audience participation.
People will be FLOCKing to see it, so book early!
Mother Goose is kindly supported by Paris Smith
Accessible performances
Relaxed performances
Wed 11 Dec 1pm & Wed 1 Jan 2.30pm
Relaxed performances are specially designed to provide a supportive environment for children and adults with learning difficulties, special needs or Autistic Spectrum Condition. The performances are open to everyone but will be particularly suited to these groups.
What happens at Relaxed performances?
- The auditorium lights will be kept low throughout the show and any loud noises on stage will be softened.
- Audience members may leave or re-join the performance at any time and staff will be on hand to help out.
- A visual story can be downloaded in advance (see below) to explain what to expect from the performance and how to find your way around the theatre.
- There will be a chill-out area set aside for those who need time out from the performance.
The pantomime is family-friendly and traditional in format with a hero, a villain, a dame and lots of music and audience participation.
The running time will be approximately 2 hours with an interval of 15-20 minutes after one hour.
If you'd like any further information on Relaxed performances please speak to a member of our Box Office on 01962 840 440.
Audio-described performance and Touch Tour
Sun 8 Dec 11am
(Touch Tour begins 10am)
Visually impaired audiences members can listen to a narrator describing the action on stage between the dialogue via a set of headphones.
Touch Tours take place 1 hour ahead of the Audio-described performance and allow the audience members to visit the set and feel the props to familiarise themselves ahead of the show.
BSL Interpreted performances
Sat 7 Dec 7pm, Wed 11 Dec 1pm & Wed 1 Jan 2.30pm
During these performances, a British Sign Language interpreter stands at the side of the stage clearly visible to the audience and interprets the spoken word and sound effects.
Mother Goose is kindly supported by Paris Smith